Package io.microraft

Interface RaftNode.RaftNodeBuilder

Enclosing interface:

public static interface RaftNode.RaftNodeBuilder
The builder interface for configuring and creating Raft node instances.
  • Method Details

    • setGroupId

      @Nonnull RaftNode.RaftNodeBuilder setGroupId(@Nonnull Object groupId)
      Sets the unique ID of the Raft group that this Raft node belongs to.
      groupId - the group id to create the Raft node with
      the builder object for fluent calls
    • setLocalEndpoint

      @Nonnull RaftNode.RaftNodeBuilder setLocalEndpoint(@Nonnull RaftEndpoint localEndpoint)
      Sets the endpoint of the Raft node being created.

      This method must be used along with one of the setInitialGroupMembers(Collection) overloads when either a new Raft group is bootstrapping for the first time or a new Raft node is being added to a running Raft group.

      localEndpoint - the Raft endpoint to create the Raft node with
      the builder object for fluent calls
    • setInitialGroupMembers

      @Nonnull RaftNode.RaftNodeBuilder setInitialGroupMembers(@Nonnull Collection<RaftEndpoint> initialGroupMembers)
      Sets the initial member list of the Raft group that the Raft node belongs to. All members are voting members.

      On bootstrapping a new Raft group, the initial member list must be decided externally and provided to all Raft nodes. In addition, if a new Raft node is going to be added to a running Raft group, the same initial Raft group member list must be provided to the new Raft node.

      This method must be called along with setLocalEndpoint(RaftEndpoint) when either a new Raft group is bootstrapping for the first time or a new Raft node is being added to a running Raft group.

      initialGroupMembers - the initial group members of the Raft group which the Raft node belongs to
      the builder object for fluent calls
    • setInitialGroupMembers

      @Nonnull RaftNode.RaftNodeBuilder setInitialGroupMembers(@Nonnull Collection<RaftEndpoint> initialGroupMembers, @Nonnull Collection<RaftEndpoint> initialVotingGroupMembers)
      Sets the initial member list of the Raft group that the Raft node belongs to. The initial member list contains voting and non-voting members together. There must be at least one voting member in the initial Raft group member list.

      On bootstrapping a new Raft group, the initial member list must be decided externally and provided to all Raft nodes. In addition, if a new Raft node is going to be added to a running Raft group, the same initial Raft group member list must be provided to the new Raft node.

      This method must be called along with setLocalEndpoint(RaftEndpoint) when either a new Raft group is bootstrapping for the first time or a new Raft node is being added to a running Raft group.

      initialGroupMembers - the initial group members of the Raft group which the Raft node belongs to
      initialVotingGroupMembers - the list of voting members in the initial Raft group member list
      the builder object for fluent calls
    • setRestoredState

      @Nonnull RaftNode.RaftNodeBuilder setRestoredState(@Nonnull RestoredRaftState restoredState)
      Sets the RestoredRaftState to be used for creating the Raft node instance.

      RestoredRaftState is used in crash-recover scenarios to recover a Raft node after a crash or a restart. Namely, when a RestoredRaftState is provided, the created Raft node initializes its internal Raft state from this object and continues its operation as if it has not crashed.

      setLocalEndpoint(RaftEndpoint) and setInitialGroupMembers(Collection) must not be called when a RestoredRaftState object is provided via this method.

      restoredState - the restored Raft state which will be used while creating the Raft node
      the builder object for fluent calls
      See Also:
    • setConfig

      @Nonnull RaftNode.RaftNodeBuilder setConfig(@Nonnull RaftConfig config)
      Sets the Raft config.

      If not set, RaftConfig.DEFAULT_RAFT_CONFIG is used.

      config - the config object to create the Raft node with
      the builder object for fluent calls
      See Also:
    • setExecutor

      @Nonnull RaftNode.RaftNodeBuilder setExecutor(@Nonnull RaftNodeExecutor executor)
      Sets the Raft node executor object to be used for running submitted and scheduled tasks.

      If not set, DefaultRaftNodeExecutor is used.

      executor - the Raft node executor object to be used for running submitted and scheduled tasks
      the builder object for fluent calls
      See Also:
    • setTransport

      @Nonnull RaftNode.RaftNodeBuilder setTransport(@Nonnull Transport transport)
      Sets the transport object to be used for communicating with other Raft nodes.
      transport - the transport object to be used for communicating with other Raft nodes
      the builder object for fluent calls
      See Also:
    • setStateMachine

      @Nonnull RaftNode.RaftNodeBuilder setStateMachine(@Nonnull StateMachine stateMachine)
      Sets the state machine object to be used for execution of queries and committed operations.
      stateMachine - the state machine object which will be used for execution of queries and committed operations
      the builder object for fluent calls
      See Also:
    • setStore

      @Nonnull RaftNode.RaftNodeBuilder setStore(@Nonnull RaftStore store)
      Sets the Raft state object to be used for persisting internal Raft state to stable storage.

      If not set, NopRaftStore is used which keeps the internal Raft state in memory and disables crash-recover scenarios.

      store - the Raft state object to be used for persisting internal Raft state to stable storage.
      the builder object for fluent calls
      See Also:
    • setModelFactory

      @Nonnull RaftNode.RaftNodeBuilder setModelFactory(@Nonnull RaftModelFactory modelFactory)
      Sets the Raft model factory object to be used for creating Raft model objects.

      If not set, DefaultRaftModelFactory is used.

      modelFactory - the factory object to be used for creating Raft model objects
      the builder object for fluent calls
      See Also:
    • setRaftNodeReportListener

      RaftNode.RaftNodeBuilder setRaftNodeReportListener(@Nonnull RaftNodeReportListener listener)
      Sets the Raft node report listener object to be completed about events related to the execution of the Raft consensus algorithm.
      listener - the Raft node report listener object to be completed about events related to the execution of the Raft consensus algorithm
      the builder object for fluent calls
      See Also:
    • setRandom

      RaftNode.RaftNodeBuilder setRandom(Random random)
      Sets the Random instance used in parts of the Raft algorithm.
      random - the Random instance to be used by this RaftNode.
      the builder object for fluent calls
    • setClock

      Sets the Clock instance used by parts of the Raft algorithm.
      clock - the Clock instance to be used by this RaftNode.
      the builder object for fluent calls
    • build

      @Nonnull RaftNode build()
      Builds and returns the RaftNode instance with the given settings.
      the built RaftNode instance.