Interface StateMachine

public interface StateMachine
The abstraction used by RaftNode instances to execute operations on the user-supplied state machines.

Raft nodes do not deal with the actual logic of committed operations. Once a given operation is committed by Raft, i.e., it is replicated to the majority of the Raft nodes, the operation is passed to the given state machine implementation. It is the state machine implementation's responsibility to ensure deterministic execution of the committed operations. In other words, a committed operation must produce the same result independent of when or on which Raft node instance it is being executed.

The operations committed in a Raft node instance are run in the same thread that runs the tasks submitted by that Raft node instance. Since RaftNodeExecutor ensures the thread-safe execution of the tasks submitted by a Raft node, state machine implementations do not need to be thread-safe.

A StateMachine implementation can implement RaftNodeLifecycleAware to perform initialization and clean up work during RaftNode startup and termination. RaftNode calls RaftNodeLifecycleAware.onRaftNodeStart() before calling any other method on StateMachine, and finally calls RaftNodeLifecycleAware.onRaftNodeTerminate() on termination.

See Also:
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Returns the operation to be appended after a new leader is elected in a new term.
    installSnapshot(long commitIndex, List<Object> snapshotChunks)
    Installs the given snapshot chunks for the given commit index, which is same with the commit index on which the last snapshot is taken.
    runOperation(long commitIndex, Object operation)
    Executes the given operation on the state machine and returns result of the operation.
    takeSnapshot(long commitIndex, Consumer<Object> snapshotChunkConsumer)
    Takes a snapshot of the state machine for the given commit index which is the current commit index at the local Raft node.
  • Method Details

    • runOperation

      Object runOperation(long commitIndex, @Nonnull Object operation)
      Executes the given operation on the state machine and returns result of the operation.

      Please note that the given operation must be deterministic and return the same result on all Raft nodes of the Raft group.

      An operation is executed when it is replicated to the majority of the Raft group, hence committed. In addition to that, an operation can be replayed, i.e., executed again, if a Raft node crashes and restarts with persisting its internal state.

      MicroRaft does not inform the state machines if the operation is being executed for the first time or replayed, and it is the state machine implementations' responsibility to ensure determinism in both cases. For instance, if a state machine implementation creates some side effects on operation execution, it can also persist the log index of the last executed operation so that replays do not cause duplicate side effects. Another option would be creating side effects idempotently, so that replays do not make any difference.

      commitIndex - the Raft log index on which the given operation is committed
      operation - the user-supplied operation to be executed
      the result of the operation execution
    • takeSnapshot

      void takeSnapshot(long commitIndex, Consumer<Object> snapshotChunkConsumer)
      Takes a snapshot of the state machine for the given commit index which is the current commit index at the local Raft node.

      A snapshot must be immutable and must not change when new operations are executed on the state machine.

      If a state machine implementation maintains a large state, it can divide its state into multiple chunks to help the local Raft node send the snapshot to the other Raft nodes in the group without overloading the system.

      Once a follower falls behind the leader and requires to install a snapshot, it may fetch the latest snapshot chunks both from the leader and the other followers. Moreover, snapshot chunks can be sent one by one or multiple at one go to speed up the snapshot installation process. There is an important caveat here. State machine implementations must populate the snapshot chunks in a deterministic way, so that a slow follower always reaches to the same state with the Raft leader and other followers independent of from which nodes the chunks are fetched. If a state machine cannot create multiple snapshot chunks in a deterministic way, then it can create a single big snapshot chunk to disable optimization, or it can be directly disabled via RaftConfig. However, disabling this optimization can cause longer snapshot transfer durations since the bandwidth of followers is not utilized.

      commitIndex - the commit index on which the current snapshot is being taken
      snapshotChunkConsumer - the consumer object to collect the snapshot chunks
    • installSnapshot

      void installSnapshot(long commitIndex, @Nonnull List<Object> snapshotChunks)
      Installs the given snapshot chunks for the given commit index, which is same with the commit index on which the last snapshot is taken. The snapshot chunks are in the order they are provided to the chunk consumer parameter of takeSnapshot(long, Consumer) method.
      commitIndex - the commit index on which the given snapshot is taken
      snapshotChunks - the list of snapshot chunk provided by the state machine when the snapshot is taken
    • getNewTermOperation

      @Nonnull Object getNewTermOperation()
      Returns the operation to be appended after a new leader is elected in a new term.

      See Bug in single-server membership changes post by Diego Ongaro for more information.

      the operation to be appended after a new leader is elected in a new term.