Interface RaftTerm

public interface RaftTerm
Contains a snapshot of a Raft node's current state in a term.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Returns the known Raft leader endpoint in the current term, or null if unknown.
    Returns the term this Raft node is currently at.
    Returns the Raft endpoint that this Raft node has voted for in the current term, or null if none.
  • Method Details

    • getTerm

      int getTerm()
      Returns the term this Raft node is currently at.
      the term this Raft node is currently at
    • getLeaderEndpoint

      @Nullable RaftEndpoint getLeaderEndpoint()
      Returns the known Raft leader endpoint in the current term, or null if unknown. For a non-leader Raft node, if this method returns a non-null Raft endpoint, it means the local Raft node has recently received a heartbeat from the leader.
      the known Raft leader endpoint in the current term, or null if unknown
    • getVotedEndpoint

      @Nullable RaftEndpoint getVotedEndpoint()
      Returns the Raft endpoint that this Raft node has voted for in the current term, or null if none.
      the Raft endpoint that this Raft node has voted for in the current term, or null if none