Interface RaftGroupMembers

public interface RaftGroupMembers
Represents member list of a Raft group with an index identifying on which log index the given member list is appended to the Raft log.

The initial member list of a Raft group has log index of 0.

  • Field Details

  • Method Details

    • getLogIndex

      long getLogIndex()
      Returns the Raft log index that contains this Raft group member list.
      the Raft log index that contains this Raft group member list
    • getMembers

      @Nonnull Collection<RaftEndpoint> getMembers()
      Returns the member list of the Raft group.
      the member list of the Raft group
    • getVotingMembers

      @Nonnull Collection<RaftEndpoint> getVotingMembers()
      Returns voting members in the Raft group member list.
      voting members in the Raft group member list
    • getMajorityQuorumSize

      int getMajorityQuorumSize()
      Returns the majority quorum size of the Raft group member list.
      the majority quorum size of the Raft group member list