Class RaftException

All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
CannotReplicateException, IndeterminateStateException, LaggingCommitIndexException, MismatchingRaftGroupMembersCommitIndexException, NotLeaderException

public class RaftException extends RuntimeException
Base exception class for Raft-related exceptions.
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • RaftException

      public RaftException(Throwable cause)
      Creates an instance of this exception
      cause - reason of this exception to be thrown
    • RaftException

      public RaftException(RaftEndpoint leader)
      Creates an instance of this exception
      leader - Raft endpoint of the leader known by the local Raft node
    • RaftException

      public RaftException(String message, RaftEndpoint leader)
      Creates an instance of this exception
      message - exception message
      leader - Raft endpoint of the leader known by the local Raft node
    • RaftException

      public RaftException(String message, RaftEndpoint leader, Throwable cause)
      Creates an instance of this exception
      message - exception message
      leader - Raft endpoint of the leader known by the local Raft node
      cause - reason of this exception to be thrown
  • Method Details

    • getLeader

      public RaftEndpoint getLeader()
      Returns the leader endpoint of the related Raft group, if available and known by the Raft node by the time this exception is thrown.
      the leader endpoint of the related Raft group, if available and known by the Raft node by the time this exception is thrown
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Throwable